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🚚🆓 香港滿$599免運費 (部份產品及離島地區需額外收費)
🛍️ 最新優惠進行中!立即點擊了解 💫
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It's Chinese New Year time🤩! Jakewell have prepared a giveaway for you🥳~ You may get a free Jenga Block Toy by joining our giveaway🎁! There are limited (Facebook and Instagram) winners in this giveaway~ Find more information from below👀
How to join:
1. 讚好及分享活動帖子👍🏻
Like and share the event Post👍🏻
2. 於活動帖子下方留言post一張小朋友玩樂moment嘅相片並簡單介紹相片內容
Post a play time picture at the comment section and write down comment about the picture in the related post
📅投稿日期 : 7/1/2025 - 14/1/2025 (11:59pm截止!)
Date:7th Jan - 14th Jan, 2025 (until 11:59pm)
1. 讚好及分享活動帖子👍🏻
Like and share the event Post👍🏻
2. 於活動帖子下方留言tag兩位父母級朋友👩🏻👨🏻
Tag two friends in the related post👩🏻👨🏻
3.前往Jakewell story使用此範本,放入一張小朋友玩樂moment相片,標記@Jakewell.hk 並share到story
Post a play time picture of your kids at story with "CNY Giveaway" template.
📅投稿日期 : 7/1/2025 - 14/1/2025 (11:59pm截止!)
Date:7th Jan - 14th Jan, 2025 (until 11:59pm)
Result announcement :
1. 得獎者會於15/1/2025公佈,獎品需得獎者自行領取。
1. The winner will be announced at 15th Jan, 2025. The winner must receive the prize by himself.
* 活動條款及細則 *
*Campaign details terms & conditions*
1. 本活動由 Jakewell 主辦。
This event was presented by Jakewell.
2. 參加者必須以個人名義參與。
Applicants are required to participate in person only.
3. Facebook及Instagram合計得獎者名額有限
There are limited (Facebook and Instagram) winners in this giveaway.
4. 每位參加者只限參與一次。重複報名將被視為單一報名。
Participants are allowed to participate in this event once only. Duplicated applications will be considered as single application.
5. 禮物不設補領,所有禮物均不得更換,退回或兌換現金,不設保養。
The gift is neither returnable nor refundable in cash. No warranty will be provided.
6. 領獎名額不得轉讓。
Rewarded quota is non-transferable.
7. 如領獎當天因天氣情況或任何突發因素無法如期進行,Jakewell有權決定取消、終止、修改或暫停當日安排。本專頁保留決定及更改活動內容之權利而不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,Jakewell保留最終決定權。
If the event cannot be held as scheduled due to unexpected factors, Jakewell reserves the right to cancel, terminate, amend, or suspend the event. Jakewell reserved the right to change the event details without prior notice. In case of any dispute, Jakewell reserves the right on the final decision.
8. Jakewell擁有以上規則的最終解釋及修訂權利。
Jakewell reserves the rights to amend and clarify of the above rules and regulations.
9. 一旦參與活動,即代表參加者確認及同意接受以上描述的一切條款及細則。
Once you participate in this event, you were confirmed and agreed with the above-mentioned terms and conditions.